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RE&EE Category Taxonomy:
- Policy and Strategy
File Tag:
- Policy
- Market analysis
IRENA’s report “International Standardisation in the Field of Renewable Energy” helps understanding how standards support a sustainable and accelerated deployment of renewable energy technologies, presents the current landscape of RET standards, and provides a number of recommendations to address identified needs and gaps in standardisation for renewables. The study identifies over 570 standards in the current RET landscape, yet finds gaps in the existing standards, particularly for post-installation aspects of RET, such as operation, maintenance and repair. It calls for a more structured information platform to make appropriate standards accessible to a variety of users. All stakeholders, including those from developing countries, need to be engaged in the standardisation process. IRENA’s analysis also underlines the importance of RET certification schemes as a risk-mitigation tool, particularly to help small-scale projects obtain financing.