Tobene IPP


Tobene Power SA, a subsidiary of Melec PowerGen Inc, is a Senegalese limited liability company established in 2011 for the construction and operation of the power station. The 20-year energy supply contract with Senelec was signed on October 2011.The Tobene power station is an oil-fired power station in Senegal. It is located in Tobene. The plant is a diesel combined Cycle (DCC) and consists of 5 diesel engine generator sets of MAN 18V48/60 type, 16.5 MW each including a steam Turbine of 7 MW. The plant was built by the EPC Consortium MPG and MAN DIESEL & TURBO.

Year of commissioning: 2014

PPA (20 years) with SENELEC

Operator: Tobene Power SA

Owner: Melec PowerGen (90%); IFC-International Finance Corporation (10%)

Find more information HERE and HERE


INSTALLED CAPACITY (operational plants) or PLANNED CAPACITY (planned plants): 




Current Status: 


Investment Cost: 

93 000 000.00€


Observatory Country: 
