L'accent principal au niveau géographique:
RE&EE Category Taxonomy:
- Politique et Stratégie
Fichier Tag:
- Policy
This Act seeks to: 1- Promote the use of renewable energy resources, including hybrid systems, to achieve greater energy self-reliance and thereby reduce the exposure to fossil fuel price fluctuations, reduce harmful emissions, and promote economic growth and protection of the environment in The Gambia. 2- Increase the development of renewable energy by development of national and local capabilities and providing both fiscal and non-fiscal incentives. 3- Enhance the use of renewable energy resources. 4- Establish the roles of each relevant institution. 5- Contribute to observe the regional decisions adopted in Accra regarding the ECOWAS Regional Renewable Energy Policy.
It defines functions of the Minister responsible for Energy and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority with respect to renewable energy in The Gambia and establishes the Renewable Energy Fund. The Government shall simplify as far as reasonably possible, the permitting process for facilities using renewable energy resources and the Ministry shall coordinate and simplify the permitting process, also with respect to environmental impact, generation, distribution, land use, water use and construction.