UNIDO report on Renewable Energy-based mini-grids

Renewable energy-based mini-grids: The UNIDO experience

UNIDO showcases eight projects, two in Asia and six in Africa, to analyse the benefits of renewable energy as a tool for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID) through building renewable energy-based mini-grids for productive uses in rural communities. The case studies are taken from UNIDO’s technical cooperation project portfolio, and include:

  • Chad,
  • Côte d’Ivoire,
  • Guinea-Bissau,
  • India,
  • Sri Lanka,
  • Tanzania,
  • The Gambia, and
  • Zambia

The report presents the technical, regulatory, financial and business approach as well as end-user and community involvement for each case study. The projects are assessed for their ability to meet five criteria which are deemed critical for the long-term success of mini-grids. These criteria are (i) sufficient revenue to support the mini-grid; (ii) the willingness and ability of consumers to pay bills; (iii) community participation; (iv) capacity of national regulator/ utility / renewable energy agency to support and promote off-grid projects; and (v) local manufacturing capacity.

The interim conclusions should be interpreted as being a snapshot, as many of the cases have only recently been installed. The interim conclusions will be revisited in the next 12 to 18 months.

Download the report HERE


Observatory Country: 

Cote d Ivoire