L'accent principal au niveau géographique:
RE&EE Category Taxonomy:
- Bioénergie
- Business market place
- Economic Indicators
- Technical indicators
- Concentrated Solar Power
- Energy Efficiency
- Hybrid Systems
- Hydroélectricité
- Mini-Grid Systems
- Photovoltaïque
- RE&EE en général
- Aérogénérateur
Fichier Tag:
- Policy
- Project info
- Market analysis
- Key statistics
- Awareness
This report is the second regional progress report within the framework of the Regional Monitoring and Reporting for the ECOWAS Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency policies and the Sustainable Energy Country Action Plans(abbreviated as Regional Monitoring Framework).
The individual countries and the region at large requires regular updates on renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy access in order to make effective decisions when planning. This Progress Report serves as an important tool for policy makers and otherstakeholders by providing annual snapshots and trends along the three axes covered (renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy access).
In 2017, only 52.3% of the ECOWAS population had access to the electricity grid, which makes a concrete case forpromoting the deployment of off-grid systems such as mini-grids and stand-alone technologies. These technologies will help to increase electricity access, in order to attain the 65% regional access target by 2020.