
Senegal efforts to have a tariff for renewable energy autoproducers close to bear fruit

Commission de Régulation du Secteur de l'Electricité - Sénégal

The Regulation Commission for the Electricity Sector in Senegal (Commission de Régulation du Secteur de l'Electricité - CRSE), published by end of May 2018 in its website, the document for public consultation relating to the determination of the purchase price of surplus renewable energy produced by self-consumption. The public consultation period ends by end of July 2018. CRSE will organize a national workshop in August 2018 to officially present the concept of the document and address the comments received during the public consultation period.

Sustainable Energy Investment Workshop in Guinea Bissau

Sustainable Energy Investment Workshop in Guinea Bissau

The Workshop in Sustainable Energy investment in Guinea Bissau will be held in Lisbon (Portugal) on the 4th of May 2018. Organized by ALER and UNIDO, ECREEE and the Ministry of Energy and Industry of the West African country, the event also counts with the support of GEF (Global Environmental Facility). Included in the 2018 Forum of SEforALL, the workshop is organized under the framework o the project "Promoting Investments in small and medium Renewable Energy Technologies in the electricity sector in Guinea Bissau", which aims to promote the south-south cooperation between Guinea Bissau and other lusophone countries, as well as execute the SDG-7 objective under the SEforALL program for the ECOWAS country.

Open Call for Proposals for the Off-Grid Clean Energy Facility in Benin

Open Call for Proposals for the Off-Grid Clean Energy Facility in Benin

The Off-Grid Clean Energy Facility is a component of the MCA-Benin II Off-Grid Electricity Access Project. It seeks proposals from private companies, NGOs, communities and other entities that demonstrate viable off-grid, clean energy solutions for Benin. The first call for proposals is open from February 22 to May 22, 2018.

New spatial layer on Clean Energy Mini-grids available on the ECOWREX Spatial Data Infrastracture

Operational Clean Energy Minigrids in West Africa

The ECOWREX Spatial Data Infrastracture counts now with a new spatial layer which contains the operational Clean Energy Mini-grids in the ECOWAS region. The layer is available for visualization and download in the map viewer.


Energy Foundation Ghana - Energy Efficiency for Households in Ghana

The Energy Foundation is the lead agency in a project with the GIZ, Energy Commission, ECG and Ministry of Energy to assist select households and SMEs on practical steps they could take to improve on their energy efficiency and reduce their energy cost. As the third component of the joint C-SIREA programme, the ‘Energy Efficiency for Households/SMEs’ project will focus on best practices that can help increase energy efficiency at homes. The Energy Efficiency for Households/SMEs Project will generally provide advisory support to end-users of electricity.

Senegal inaugurates its fourth Solar PV Plant

Ten Merina Solar PV plant (image source: Proparco)

In January 2018 Senegal has inaugurated its fourth grid connected PV plant. The project is located in Mérina Ndakhar and has an installed capacity of 30MW. With the commissioning of this plant, the ECOWAS member state counts now with 104 MW of solar grid connected installed capacity, thus contributing to achieve the national target of producing the 30% of the electricity by using renewable energy resources by 2020. The energy produced by the solar plant will be bought by the national utility, Senelec.
