New spatial layer on Clean Energy Mini-grids available on the ECOWREX Spatial Data Infrastracture

Operational Clean Energy Minigrids in West Africa

The ECOWREX Spatial Data Infrastracture counts now with a new spatial layer which contains the operational Clean Energy Mini-grids in the ECOWAS region. The layer is available for visualization and download in the map viewer. Moreover, to know more about the layer, the metadata record has been published in the metadata catalog.

Users can download the information from the map viewer in SHAPEFILE and KML format. The layer is also available by connecting through the WMS and WFS services.


In Mali and Senegal, which are the countries with currently the highest number of operational projects due to the implementation of major RE mini-grid promotion programmes since many years ago, the information was updated thanks to the project granted by the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure association. The project entitled: developing a SDI to support sustainable energy planning in West Africa, was granted under the context of the Small Grants Program Awards 2017 and aimed to to map the operational CEMGs projects in Mali and Senegal to publish them on the ECOWREX SDI platform, thus contributing to offer open spatial data on operational CEMGs that proves to be of high interest for project developers on rural electrification in West Africa. To implement the project, ECREEE collaborated with identified actors from the Ministries of Energy and Rural Electrification Agencies from these countries.

The dataset was also produced by taking into consideration the previous effort of ECREEE in studying the situation of the existing and planned CEMGs in ECOWAS region under the project: Mapping and Assessment of Existing Clean Energy Mini-Grid Experiences in West Africa.

It should be noted that the operational projects provided are based on the best available data, either reported from focal persons in the countries' Rural Electrification Agencies and other relevant institutions, and/or CEMGs operators. Moreover, the spatial layer only contains the projects for which the location is known. To check all operational CEMGs in ECOWAS countries, please visit the ECOWREX country profile section.

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Ecowrex specific new
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