FasoBiogaz SARL has successfully started electricity production in West Africa's first grid-connected biogas plant, in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The power-plant has an installed capacity of 275 KW. Electricity is being distributed by SONABEL, the country's utility. FasoBiogaz is supported by the Dutch government.
The power plant is situated between the municipal slaughterhouse of Ouagadougou and the country's leading brewery. Waste streams from those companies are used to generate biogas (CH4), whilst transforming them in valuable organic fertilizer. In addition, a side product of the process is industrial heat.
The Minister of Mines and Energy, Mr. Boubakar Bâ did the official opening of the plant in October 2015. The project was one of the finalists of WAFCEF II, and as part of the WAFCEF process it received mentorship which helped FasoBiogaz arriving to the current connection to the grid. FasoBiogaz seeks to grow the capacity of the plant up to 1,375 MW. The second phase of the project which aims to increase the capacity up to 550 KW will finalished during 2016. In the post-WAFCEF period, ECREEE has been coordinating efforts with its partners to keep supporting this project and help them arrive to phase 2 and, eventually, phase 3.
The company is planning to expand their activities to other countries in West Africa with focuss on growing cities with food-processing industries. By financing, implementing and operating the biogas plant, FasoBiogaz reduces the waste problem of local industries, and provides at the same time green, realiable and affordable energy.
You can watch a video of the inauguration here.
Source: FasoBiogaz (see document attached below)