
New Solar Dryers in Lofa Country, Liberia

New Solar Dryers in Lofa Country, Liberia

In 2017, a consultant activity funded by ACDI/VOCA, collaborated with two cooperatives in the Quandu Gboni District in Lofa County in Liberia towards the construction of 30 solar dryers.  GIZ/EnDev had previously trained community members on how to build the table model dryer and provided the imported greenhouse plastic foil for the dryers.

Renewables Liberia Information Website

Renewables Liberia Information Website

Renewables Liberia (RL) is an online destination for news, data and relevant contacts in the renewable energy sector in Liberia. Launched in 2017, RL was founded to provide those interested in renewable energy in Liberia a space to network, share developments and examine impact in the field. Supported by various stakeholders, RL is spearheaded by the Rural and Renewable Energy Agency-Liberia and Energising Development (EnDev), an Energy Access Partnership commissioned by the German International Development Cooperation (GIZ) and financed by seven donor countries. All stakeholders of renewable energies in Liberia are invited to explore the platform and contribute current relevant information.

The Mini-grid Finder: a GIS geospatial application for mini-grid planning in Nigeria

The Mini-grid Finder: a GIS geospatial application for mini-grid planning in Nigeria

The Nigerian Energy Support Programme (NESP) has supported the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing (FMPWH) in developing a GIS-based search engine, the “Mini-grid Finder”. It is built primarily to help mini-grid developers in identifying viable sites for off-grid solar mini-grids in Nigeria. It covers the five states (Cross River, Niger, Sokoto, Plateau and Ogun) in which NESP is operating. It includes different search options (e.g. load, population, distance from national grid). Users can extract the results of their search into Excel or Google Earth for further processing.

Renewable Energy online platforms to support energy planning in Liberia

Renewable Energy online platforms to support energy planning in Liberia presents the Rural Energy Strategy and Master Plan for Liberia (RESMP), which communicates the main elements of the Master Plan to key stakeholders. The RESMP for the period until 2030 aims to set clear targets, to identify least-cost projects and technologies, to propose concrete investments for funding and implementation, with appropriate institutional framework and capacity to increase energy access and renewable energies to the country’s rural areas and population – meaning all areas and population outside of greater Monrovia. is an independent platform for everybody interested in the renewable energy sector in Liberia: International Partners, Government, NGOs, Experts, Donors, Training Institutions or Businesses, and anyone else are invited to connect, cooperate and share information. To learn about different technologies, to follow the progress and impact of renewable energies, to analyze data on various maps and to stay informed on news and events.

New solar mini-grid plants operational in Liberia

New solar mini-grid projects operational in Liberia

In June 2017, five remote communities in Lofa receive a solar power plant and mini-grids as part of the project Light Up Our Futures, funded by EU and implemented by PLAN International and VOSIEDA, with technical support of GIZ/EnDev.

Introduction Webinar to the ECOWREX Spatial Data Infrastructure on 10th August - in French

Introduction Webinar to the ECOWREX Spatial Data Infrastructure on 10th August - in French

The ECOWREX Spatial Data Infrastructure is the section on the ECOWAS Observatory for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECOWREX) that contains spatial data and applications for sustainable energy planning and data sharing. Released in 2016 by ECREEE, the ECOWREX SDI offers ECOWREX users a platform to explore, visualize, extract, download and share geospatial information. This 60 minutes webinar will be conducted in French and will introduce the ECOWREX SDI and its contents to potential stakeholders in charge of energy planning in ECOWAS member states.
