Building and Road Research Institute
The mandate of the BRRI is to undertake Research and Development of local building materials for shelter construction.To tailor research and development activities to national needs.To generate 30% of the institute's budgetary needs.To undertake public good research.To embark on profitable contract research with industries.To improve safety on roads in Ghana.To undertake research into all aspects of building and road design and construction with the view to ensuring efficiency, safety and economy.To develop construction materials from local source
Crops Research Insitute
CRI's mission is to ensure high and sustainable crop productivity and food security through development and dissemination of environmentally sound technologies. This comprises improved high yielding, pest and diseases resistant, good quality varieties, better crop management and post harvest practices.
Forestry Research Insitute of Ghana
The institute's mission is to Conduct high quality, user-focused research that generates scientific knowledge and appropriate technologies which enhance the sustainable development, conservation and efficient utilization of Ghana's forest resources; and also to disseminate the information for the improvement of the social, economic and environmental well-being of the Ghanaian people.
Food Research Insitute
The Institute's mission focuses on providing scientific and technological support to the growth of the food and agricultural sectors of the national economy in line with corporate prioritization and national objectives.
Primarily, the FRI's mission is to conduct market-oriented applied research and provide technical services and products profitably to the private sector and other stakeholders.
To do this the food Research Institute will conduct business in a conducive and transparent working environment with a cadre of highly qualified and motivated staff for timely delivery of quality services and products to clients.
Institute of Industrial Research
The mission of the Institute of Industrial Research is:
- To efficiently undertake applied research on industrial process and product technology development, transfer appropriate technologies as well as provide consultancy services to small and medium scale industries and other stake-holders in Ghana and the West African sub-region.
- To move forward technological development; to become a center of technological excellence and to facilitate the acceleration of the pace of industrialization of Ghana within the shortest possible time.
Institute for Scientific and Technological Information
The Institute's mission is to establish a sustainable national STI service that includes databases of thematic and synthesized maps in support of the country's scientific, technological and socio- economic development, as well as to assist with S & T acculturation at all levels of the society. INSTI will collaborate effectively with other national and international agencies to deliver its services with excellence.
Oil Palm Institute
Development of capabilities to generate appropriate marketable technologies for:
- Sustainable production of oil palm and coconut
- The efficient exploitation of the palm, kernel and coconut oils through downstream processing and biomass utilization
- The management wastes from the oil palm and coconut industries.
Plan Genetics Resources Research Institute
Savanna Agricultural Research Institute
The mandate of the Savanna Agricultural Research Institute is to conduct agricultural research, particularly as it relates to food and fibre crop farming, in northern Ghana for the purpose of introducing improved technologies to enhance agricultural productivity
Soil Research Institute
The mandate of Soil Research Institute is to take inventory of the soil resources of the country, carry out research and provide advice on maintaining soil fertility for agricultural production and sustainability of the environment.
Science and Technology Policy Research Institute
The primary mission of STEPRI is to provide the research support necessary for the formulation and implementation of a comprehensive Science and Technology policies programmes aimed at creating enabling conditions for the effective use of Science and Technology for socio-economic development.
This mission is addressed with the following five-point mandate:
- S&T policy studies, monitoring and assessment in all sectors of the economy;
- Technology evaluation, transfer and diffusion;
- Facilitation of commercialisation of technological innovation;
- S&T acculturation and popularisation;
- Survey on S&T human resource development and management
Water Research Institute
WRI has a mandate to conduct research into water and related resources. In pursuance of this mandate, WRI generates and provides scientific information, strategies and services towards the rational development, utilisation and management of the water resources of Ghana in support of the socio–economic advancement of the country, especially in the agriculture, health, industry, energy, transportation, education and tourism sectors.