The Santiago Solar PV Project was one of the very first utility-scale solar PV projects in West Africa that demonstrated the feasibility of the technology in Cabo Verde and the region. The project, together with its sister project in Sal and more importantly the Cabeólica wind parks, also contributed to an increase of the share of renewable energy in Cabo Verde's electricity mix from 1.3% in 2010 to 22% in 2013.
The porject occupies an area of 13 hectares and has 4.4MWp. The state-owned utility, ELECTRA, is managing the plant under a concession agreement. Certain operation and maintenance services are provided by the Centre for Renewable Energy and Industrial Maintenance (CERMI).
Key Facts:
Year of commissioning: November 2010
Site: Praia, Santiago island
Developer: Government of Cabo Verde (Ministry of Economy, Growth and Competitiveness (MECC) in 2010)
Operator: Electra Sul (state-owned utility)