

With support from the NAMA Facility (jointly established by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)) UNDP has been working with its partners on the identification and preparation of twosolar PV projects (Project I and Project II) in The Gambia to be implemented by a single Independent Power Producer (IPP).

Project 1 will be a solar PV power generation plant located at an identified site near Farafenni with a base capacity of 7.0MW peak coupled with battery storage to level-out solar PV supply and demand in the grid. Project 2 will be a solar PV plant with a capacity of 3.5 MW peak, located at an identified site near Basse. Both projects are expected to feed electricity into the national electricity grid and the selected company will be invited to sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with NAWEC (National Water & Electricity Company) for the purchase of electricity generated by the two plants over a period of 20 years undera BOOT (Build Own Operate Transfer) arrangement.

More info here and here


INSTALLED CAPACITY (operational plants) or PLANNED CAPACITY (planned plants): 




Current Status: 



Type of Contract: 


Observatory Country: 

RE&EE Category: 

  • Foto voltaico
  • Parque solar ligado a rede
