
Title Anoordenação descendente Country Category Autor Download
Developing Eco-Charcoal Certification to Fight Against Desertification and Poverty in the Afram Plains 2011 Ghana Bioenergia Cooperazione italiana, Ricerca e Cooperazione and APDO +
Resultados definitivos: Recenseamento Geral da População e Habitação 2010 2011 Cape Verde INE +
Collecte Donnes Financement EE et EnR 2011 Togo EUREKAL +
Casamance Enquete 2011 Senegal BATIAFRICA +
Energy Generation and Consumption in Ghana 2011 Ghana ER&EE no geral Emmanuel A. Essah - University of Reading +
Guide acteurs EnR 2011 Senegal PERACOD +
General Energy Access in the ECOWAS Region 2011 - Politicas e Estratégias UNDP - ECREEE +
Getting Started Guide for HOMER Legacy (Version 2.68) 2011 - Hybrid Systems HOMER ENERGY & NREL +
Options Development Energy Sector 2011 Liberia AFTEC +
Anexo E - Projetos Hídricos - Cartografia e Simulação Visual 2011 Cape Verde Hidroenergia GESTO Energia +
Policy Briefing for Mini-grids for Developing Countries 2011 - Politicas e Estratégias , Mini-Grid Systems GVEP +
Plan directeur WAPP TOME 2 2011 - TRACTEBEL +
RRA Senegal 2011 Senegal IRENA +
Renewable Energy Bill 2011 Ghana Politicas e Estratégias Government of Ghana +
CIE Rapport Annuel 2010 2011 Cote d Ivoire CIE +
Décret 2011-2014 portant application de la Loi sur les EnR relatif aux conditions d'achat et de rémunération de l’électricité résultant d'une production pour autoconsommation 2011 Senegal Politicas e Estratégias +
RE in Mali: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities 2011 Mali Politicas e Estratégias , Mecanismos de Financiamento SREP - Ministry of Energy +
World-wide overview of design and simulation tools for hybrid PV systems 2011 - Sistema solar descentralizado , Parque solar ligado a rede, Hybrid Systems, Mini-Grid Systems International Energy Agency +
SREP MALI - INVESTMENT PLAN Vol 1 2011 Mali Politicas e Estratégias , Mecanismos de Financiamento Ministry of Energy +
SREP MALI - INVESTMENT PLAN Vol 2 2011 Mali Politicas e Estratégias , Mecanismos de Financiamento Ministry of Energy +
