Powering Africa through Feed-in Tariffs |
2013 |
- |
Policy and Strategy |
World Future Council (WFC) |
+ |
Precos maximos dos combustiveis - 08 Dezembro 2008 a 09 Fevereiro 2009 |
2008 |
Cape Verde |
Policy and Strategy |
+ |
Pre-feasibility study Windenergienutzung in Calheta1 |
2006 |
Cape Verde |
EnergieWerkstatt |
+ |
Pre-feasibility study Windenergienutzung in Calheta2 |
2006 |
Cape Verde |
EnergieWerkstatt |
+ |
Pre-feasibility study Windenergienutzung in Calheta3 |
2006 |
Cape Verde |
EnergieWerkstatt |
+ |
Profile Projet Eolien-Diesel GAO |
2004 |
Mali |
+ |
Programa da CEDEAO sobre a Integração do Género no Acesso à Energia (ECOW-GEN) |
2014 |
- |
ECOWGEN, REEE in general, Other Energy Expertise |
Monica Maduekwe (ECREEE) |
+ |
Programme de la CEDEAO sur l'integration du genre dans l’acces a l'energie (ECOW-GEN) |
2014 |
- |
ECOWGEN, REEE in general, Other Energy Expertise |
Monica Maduekwe (ECREEE) |
+ |
Programme Special Biocarburants |
2006 |
Senegal |
Min Dev Rural |
+ |
Progress Report PRSP 2004-2007 |
2006 |
Nigeria |
+ |
Project Appraisal Document Rural Energy Project Guinea1 |
2001 |
Guinea |
World Bank |
+ |
Project Appraisal Document Rural Energy Project Guinea2 |
2001 |
Guinea |
World Bank |
+ |
Project Document for the establishment and first operational phase of the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Facility (EREF) for peri-urban and rural areas (2011-2016) |
2012 |
- |
Financing Mechanisms |
+ |
Project Document for the establishment and first operational phase of the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Facility (EREF) for peri-urban and rural areas (2011-2016) |
2012 |
- |
Financing Mechanisms |
+ |
Projet Brava 100% EnR: Rapport Final |
2005 |
Cape Verde |
REEE in general |
Transénergie |
+ |
Proposition electrification rural EnR SBEE |
2010 |
Benin |
+ |
Prospects for the African Power Sector - Scenarios and Strategies for Africa Project |
2012 |
- |
Policy and Strategy |
+ |
2008 |
Liberia |
+ |
2005 |
Nigeria |
+ |
PRSP 2007-2010 |
2008 |
Guinea |
+ |