Solar Heat Worldwide - Markets and Contribution to the Energy Supply 2010 |
2012 |
- |
Solar Thermal (non electrical) |
Werner Weiss et al. - SHC/IEA |
+ |
Solar-diesel Hybrid Options for the Peruvian Amazon. Lessons Learned from Padre Cocha. |
2007 |
- |
Decentralized Photovoltaic Systems, Hybrid Systems, Mini-Grid Systems |
+ |
Small Scale Wind Park Feasibility Study |
2006 |
Gambia |
Lahmeyer |
+ |
Situation Analysis of Energy and Gender Issues in ECOWAS Member States |
2015 |
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo |
ECOWGEN, Policy and Strategy, Other Energy Expertise |
+ |
Sierra Leone Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region |
2016 |
Sierra Leone |
Hydropower, Large Hydropower (including dam, pump and storage), Micro and Pico Hydropower systems, Small Hydropower |
+ |
Senegal Rapport de L'Étude de Marché du Solaire Thermique: Production d'Eau Chaude et Séchage de Produits Agricoles |
2015 |
Senegal |
Solar Thermal (non electrical), Solar Cooking, Solar drying, Solar Thermal Cooling, Solar Thermal Industrial Heat Process, Solar Thermal Warm Water |
Dr. Abacar Thiam, Maître-Assistant au Laboratoire d'Energétique Appliquée, Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique de l'Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar |
+ |
Senegal Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region |
2016 |
Senegal |
Hydropower, Large Hydropower (including dam, pump and storage), Micro and Pico Hydropower systems, Small Hydropower |
Poyry Energy GmbH and ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) |
+ |
Securing the supply chain for wind and solar energy (RE-supply) |
2012 |
- |
Photovoltaic, Wind Power |
E4tech & Avalon Consulting |
+ |
Santiago Solar PV Project Cabo Verde - Case Study RE Flagship Projects in the ECOWAS Region |
2017 |
Cape Verde |
Photovoltaic Power Plants Grid-Connected |
Lucius Mayer-Tasch, Eder Semedo and Mohamed Youba Sokona based on a report by Holger Zebner (GO PA-intec) and own analysis. |
+ |
Sal Solar PV Project Cabo Verde - Case Study RE Flagship Projects in the ECOWAS Region |
2017 |
Cape Verde |
Photovoltaic Power Plants Grid-Connected |
Lucius Mayer-Tasch, Eder Semedo and Mohamed Youba Sokona based on a report by Holger Zebner (GO PA-intec) and own analysis. |
+ |
Rural Electrification through Small Hydro Power in China |
2012 |
- |
Small Hydropower |
Cui Zhenhua |
+ |
RRA Senegal |
2011 |
Senegal |
+ |
Role EnR for Producive Activ Senegal |
2005 |
Senegal |
+ |
Roadmap for Power Sector Reform |
2010 |
Nigeria |
Policy and Strategy |
Presidency of the Federal Republic of Nigeria |
+ |
RE West Africa TOGO |
2009 |
Togo |
+ |
RE West Africa SENEGAL |
2009 |
Senegal |
+ |
RE West Africa NIGERIA |
2009 |
Nigeria |
+ |
RE West Africa NIGER |
2009 |
Niger |
+ |
RE West Africa MALI |
2005 |
Mali |
+ |
RE West Africa LIBERIA |
2009 |
Liberia |
+ |