Title | Year | Country | Category | Author | Download |
RE Gambia Energy Demand Study | 2005 | Gambia | Lahmeyer | + | |
Refrigerator Energy Consumption Report | 2008 | Ghana | CSIR | + | |
Reforming the energy sector in Africa: The case study of Nigeria | 2012 | Nigeria | Policy and Strategy | AfDB | + |
Rapport trimestrel SIE | 2008 | Guinea-Bissau | Min Ener | + | |
RAPPORT SUR L'ATELIER DE VALIDATION: DIRECTIVE CEDEAO SUR LES ÉVALUATIONS DE GENRE DANS LES PROJETS ÉNERGÉTIQUES | 2017 | Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo | ECOWGEN | ECREEE | + |
Rapport_SIE | 2007 | Mali | ECONOTEC | + | |
Rapport SIE | 2009 | Mali | ECONOTEC | + | |
Rapport ODM | 2004 | Guinea-Bissau | NNUU | + | |
Rapport de Progrès Régionaux sur les Énergies Renouvelables, l'Efficacité Énergétique et l'Accès à l'Énergie dans la région de la CEDEAO | 2017 | - | Bioenergy, Biofuels, Biogas, Biomas for cooking, Economic Indicators, Financial indicators, Technical indicators, Concentrated Solar Power, Energy Efficiency, Building Efficiency, Distribution and Transmission Network, Efficient Appliances, Efficient Cooking, Efficient Lighting, Hybrid Systems, Hydropower, Mini-Grid Systems, Photovoltaic, Decentralized Photovoltaic Systems, Photovoltaic Power Plants Grid-Connected, REEE in general, Policy and Strategy, Wind Power, Windpower grid-connected (on and off-shore), Windpower small-scale decentralized | Nikos Sakellariou, Daniel Paco (ECREEE), Lucius Mayer-Tasch (GIZ), Mohamed Youba Sokona (GIZ), Nathalie Weisman (ECREEE), Nana Bonsu Owusu-Nyantekyi (ECREEE) | + |
Rapport de base pour la Politique en matière d'énergies renouvelables de la CEDEAO (PERC) | 2012 | - | Policy and Strategy | ECREEE | + |
Rapport de base pour la Politique en matière d'énergies renouvelables de la CEDEAO (PERC) | 2012 | - | Policy and Strategy | ECREEE | + |
Rapport Consomation Energie CEDEAO et CEMAC | 2008 | - | ADEME | + | |
Rapport Annuel SIE | 2010 | Cote d Ivoire | Min Ener | + | |
Rapport Annuel SIE | 2008 | Cote d Ivoire | Min Ener | + | |
PRSP Senegal | 2006 | Senegal | IMF | + | |
PRSP 2007-2011 | 2006 | Mali | IMF | + | |
PRSP 2007-2010 | 2008 | Guinea | IMF | + | |
PRSP | 2008 | Liberia | IMF | + | |
PRSP | 2005 | Nigeria | IMF | + | |
Prospects for the African Power Sector - Scenarios and Strategies for Africa Project | 2012 | - | Policy and Strategy | IRENA | + |