Title | Year | Country | Category | Author | Download |
Getting Started Guide for HOMER Legacy (Version 2.68) | 2011 | - | Hybrid Systems | HOMER ENERGY & NREL | + |
Etude tarifaire electricite Rapport | 2008 | Guinea | IDEACONSULT | + | |
Etude tarifaire electricite Resume | 2008 | Guinea | IDEACONSULT | + | |
Key World Energy Statistics 2012 | 2012 | - | REEE in general | IEA | + |
Tracking Clean Energy Progress - Energy Technology Perspectives 2012 excerpt | 2012 | - | REEE in general | IEA | + |
Water Desalination using Renewable Energy - technology brief | 2012 | - | Policy and Strategy, Other Energy Expertise | IEA-ETSAP & IRENA | + |
Electricity Storage - Technology Brief | 2012 | - | Storage Systems | IEA-ETSAP & IRENA | + |
Proposition electrification rural EnR SBEE | 2010 | Benin | IED | + | |
Collecte donnes pour Investissements EnR Benin AfD | 2011 | Benin | IED | + | |
Annual Progress Report PRSP 2006 | 2009 | Ghana | IMF | + | |
PRSP 2007-2011 | 2006 | Mali | IMF | + | |
PRSP Senegal | 2006 | Senegal | IMF | + | |
PRSP | 2008 | Liberia | IMF | + | |
Progress Report PRSP 2004-2007 | 2006 | Nigeria | IMF | + | |
PRSP | 2005 | Nigeria | IMF | + | |
Annual Progress Report PRSP | 2008 | Burkina Faso | IMF | + | |
Document PRSP | 2008 | Togo | IMF | + | |
PRSP 2007-2010 | 2008 | Guinea | IMF | + | |
Resultados definitivos: Recenseamento Geral da População e Habitação 2010 | 2011 | Cape Verde | INE | + | |
Africa Energy Outlook | 2014 | Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo | Bioenergy, Financial indicators, Technical indicators, Energy Efficiency, Hybrid Systems, Hydropower, Mini-Grid Systems, Photovoltaic, REEE in general, Policy and Strategy, Wind Power | Intenational Energy Agency (IEA) | + |