
Organitzation's Name Geographic Focussort ascending Active in (ECOWAS) Type of Organitzation Field of Expertise
Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Côte d’Ivoire (CCI-CI) ECOWAS Country Cote d Ivoire Energy specialist / Consultant firm
Governo de Cabo Verde ECOWAS Country Cape Verde Government Policy and Strategy
CODINORM - Organisme National de Normalisation et de Certification de la Côte d'Ivoire ECOWAS Country Cote d Ivoire Energy regulator Other Energy Expertise
Energy Commission of Nigeria ECOWAS Country Nigeria Government Building Efficiency
Centre National d'Énergie Solaire (CNES) ECOWAS Country Niger Academia and research organisation Photovoltaic
Ministère des Mines et de l’Énergie, Côte d’Ivoire ECOWAS Country Cote d Ivoire Government Policy and Strategy
ZED Mali-SA ECOWAS Country Mali Energy equipment manufacturer, Entrepreneur / Productive industry Decentralized Photovoltaic Systems, Hybrid Systems, Mini-Grid Systems
Ministère des Mines et de l'Énergie, Togo ECOWAS Country Togo Government Policy and Strategy
APROFA (Association des professionels de l'énergie solaire) ECOWAS Country Burkina Faso Civil society / NGO Photovoltaic, Concentrated Solar Power, Solar Thermal (non electrical)
NewEnergy (Ghana) ECOWAS Country Ghana Civil society / NGO REEE in general, Other Energy Expertise
Permanent Technical Secretary for Institutional Management of Environmental Issues (MALI) ECOWAS Country Mali Government Biofuels
Ministère de l'Énergie et du Petrole - Niger ECOWAS Country Niger Government Policy and Strategy
Electricité de Guinée (EDG) ECOWAS Country Guinea Energy supply industry Other Energy Expertise
Energy Foundation (Ghana) ECOWAS Country Ghana Civil society / NGO REEE in general, Energy Efficiency
Groupment de femmes paysannes (Sedhiou, Senegal) ECOWAS Country Senegal Civil society / NGO
Global Energy Gambia ECOWAS Country Gambia Energy equipment manufacturer Photovoltaic, Wind Power
SUCRIVOIRE ECOWAS Country Cote d Ivoire Entrepreneur / Productive industry Biomas for electricity and heating
ABED ONG (Association Béninoise pour l’Eveil et le Développement) ECOWAS Country Benin Civil society / NGO Capacity Building, Other Energy Expertise
Etablissement Nare et Frere - Burkina Faso ECOWAS Country Burkina Faso Energy supply industry
Electric, Lda. - Gabinete de estudos, projetos e obras de eletricidade ECOWAS Country Cape Verde Energy specialist / Consultant firm
