
Organitzation's Name Geographic Focus Active in (ECOWAS) Type of Organitzation Field of Expertise
Benin-Owena River Basin Development Authority ECOWAS Country Nigeria Entrepreneur / Productive industry Small Hydropower
Beta Energy Afrique S.A. ECOWAS Country Senegal Energy supply industry Photovoltaic, Hybrid Systems
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation International Civil society / NGO REEE in general
BIOKALA ECOWAS Country Cote d Ivoire Energy supply industry Biomas for electricity and heating
BISZ - Bevordering van de Interculturele Samenwerking met het Zuiden (Belgium) International Togo Civil society / NGO
Blue Energy Co. International Ghana Energy equipment manufacturer Photovoltaic, Wind Power, Hybrid Systems
BMB SA ECOWAS Country Mali Decentralized Photovoltaic Systems, Hybrid Systems, Mini-Grid Systems
BNEDT - Bureau National d'Études Techniques et du Développement ECOWAS Country Cote d Ivoire Energy regulator Other Energy Expertise
BOAD - Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement ECOWAS Region Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo Financial institution REEE in general
BUI Power Authority ECOWAS Country Ghana Entrepreneur / Productive industry Hydropower, Other Energy Expertise
BUK - Bayero University, Kano ECOWAS Country Nigeria Academia and research organisation Capacity Building
BUMIGEB - Bureau des Mines et de la Geologie du Burkina ECOWAS Country Burkina Faso Government
Bureau d'Electrification Rurale Decentralisée (BERD) ECOWAS Country Guinea Energy supply industry REEE in general, Other Energy Expertise
Cabeólica S.A. ECOWAS Country Cape Verde Energy supply industry Windpower grid-connected (on and off-shore)
Câmara Municipal da Ribeira Brava ECOWAS Country Cape Verde Government
Campus Universitario de Rabanales International Academia and research organisation Policy and Strategy, Capacity Building, Biofuels, Biomas for electricity and heating
CASA ÁFRICA Africa Government
CB Energie ECOWAS Region Burkina Faso Energy equipment manufacturer Photovoltaic, Decentralized Photovoltaic Systems
CCDI - Community Conservation and Development Initiatives ECOWAS Country Nigeria Civil society / NGO Waste to Energy, Efficient Cooking
CEB - Communauté Électrique du Benin ECOWAS Region Benin, Togo Energy supply industry REEE in general
