IDOM - international Department |
IFC - International Finance Corporation |
International |
Financial institution |
Financing Mechanisms |
Institut de Recherche en Energies Renouvelables - IREN |
ECOWAS Country |
Cote d Ivoire |
Academia and research organisation |
REEE in general |
Institut National Polytechnique - Félix Houphouet-Boigny (INP-HB) |
ECOWAS Country |
Cote d Ivoire |
Academia and research organisation |
Capacity Building |
Academia and research organisation |
Biogas, Large Hydropower (including dam, pump and storage), Small Hydropower, Solar Thermal Industrial Heat Process |
IRSAT - Institut de Recherche en sciences appliquées et technologies |
ECOWAS Country |
Burkina Faso |
Academia and research organisation |
REEE in general |
JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency |
International |
International Organization |
Financing Mechanisms |
JVE (jEUNES vOLONTAIRES POUR l'Environnement) Sénégal |
International Organization |
Biomas for electricity and heating |
Kalom Mainz Industries SARL |
ECOWAS Country |
Senegal |
Energy supply industry |
Bioenergy, Biomas for electricity and heating, Waste to Energy |
Africa |
Senegal |
Entrepreneur / Productive industry |
Decentralized Photovoltaic Systems |
KAMA Mali - SA |
ECOWAS Country |
Mali |
Energy supply industry |
Decentralized Photovoltaic Systems, Hybrid Systems, Mini-Grid Systems |
Kayer Energie Rurale |
ECOWAS Country |
Senegal |
Energy supply industry, Financial institution |
Photovoltaic |
Kesla Oyi |
KfW - German Development Bank |
International |
Financial institution |
REEE in general |
KFW , German Development Cooperation House |
Kulima (Organismo para o Desenvolvimento Socio-Economico Integrado - Mozambique) |
Africa |
Civil society / NGO |
Kumasi Institute of Technlogy, Energy and Environment (KITE) |
ECOWAS Country |
Ghana |
Civil society / NGO, Academia and research organisation |
REEE in general |