ECREEE ROGEP webinar on SolarWorX, Next generation Micro Grid & Solar HomeIn the framework of the Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (ROGEP), a webinar was organized under the Entrepreneurship Technical Support Facility with the aim of strengthening the capacity of the private sector to successfully operate in the off-grid solar market. The theme of the webinar was “Challenges and Successful Models of Solar Home Systems (SHSs) Distribution in sub-Saharan Africa-- the SolarWorX Approach to Modular SHS and DC micro grids”. (Learn More) |
Lessons learned from Grid Connected RE Flagship Projects in the ECOWAS regionThe deployment of grid-connected renewable energy systems is steadily increasing in the ECOWAS region and is expected to reach an installed capacity of 2GW by 2020. However the limited level of knowledge of and experience with RE technologies as well as with RE project development in the region could impede the projected grid-connected RE growth. (Learn More) |
Basic ECOWREX Data Mining TechniquesThis is the first in a series of webinars that will address data collection in the sustainable energy sector of the ECOWAS region. The webinar commences by outlining the status of knowledge development and dissemination in the region. It is followed by a practical session where participants learn how to identify, extract, transform and report energy data for the ECOWREX Interactive Data Portal. (Learn More...) |
Webinar ECOWREX Spatial Data InfrastructureThe ECOWREX Spatial Data Infrastructure is the section on the ECOWREX that contains spatial data and applications for sustainable energy planning and data sharing. Released recently by ECREEE, the ECOWREX SDI offers now users a platform to explore, visualize, extract, download and share geospatial information. This 60 minutes webinar introduced the ECOWREX SDI and its contents to potential stakeholders in charge of energy planning in ECOWAS member states. (Learn More...) |
Webinaire d’Introduction à