
Organitzation's Namesort ascending Geographic Focus Active in (ECOWAS) Type of Organitzation Field of Expertise
Laboratory for Solar Energy and Energy Savings (LESEE) 2IE ECOWAS Region Burkina Faso Academia and research organisation Solar Thermal (non electrical)
Laboratoire Matériaux et Environnement (LAME), Burkina Faso, ECOWAS Country Burkina Faso
L2i consultant Entrepreneur / Productive industry Biogas, Capacity Building, Policy and Strategy, Solar Thermal Warm Water
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi
Kumasi Institute of Technlogy, Energy and Environment (KITE) ECOWAS Country Ghana Civil society / NGO, Academia and research organisation REEE in general
Kulima (Organismo para o Desenvolvimento Socio-Economico Integrado - Mozambique) Africa Civil society / NGO
KFW , German Development Cooperation House
KfW - German Development Bank International Financial institution REEE in general
Kesla Oyi
Kayer Energie Rurale ECOWAS Country Senegal Energy supply industry, Financial institution Photovoltaic
KAMA Mali - SA ECOWAS Country Mali Energy supply industry Decentralized Photovoltaic Systems, Hybrid Systems, Mini-Grid Systems
KAL'S CORPORATE Africa Senegal Entrepreneur / Productive industry Decentralized Photovoltaic Systems
Kalom Mainz Industries SARL ECOWAS Country Senegal Energy supply industry Bioenergy, Biomas for electricity and heating, Waste to Energy
JVE (jEUNES vOLONTAIRES POUR l'Environnement) Sénégal International Organization Biomas for electricity and heating
JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency International International Organization Financing Mechanisms
IRSAT - Institut de Recherche en sciences appliquées et technologies ECOWAS Country Burkina Faso Academia and research organisation REEE in general
INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE d’AGOENYIVE (IUA) TOGO Academia and research organisation Biogas, Large Hydropower (including dam, pump and storage), Small Hydropower, Solar Thermal Industrial Heat Process
Institut National Polytechnique - Félix Houphouet-Boigny (INP-HB) ECOWAS Country Cote d Ivoire Academia and research organisation Capacity Building
