Main Geographic Focus:
RE&EE Category Taxonomy:
- Decentralized Photovoltaic Systems
- Hybrid Systems
- Mini-Grid Systems
File Tag:
- Technical Research
Presented at the 6th European PV-Hybrid and Mini-Grid Conference. Chambéry (France), April 2012
Rural micro grids with Renewable energy generation is becoming the most cost-effective and sustainable option for rural electrification of compact villages in remote areas. This solution, also known as multi user solar grids (MSG), offers the cost effectiveness of SHS’s with the additional benefits of reduced operating costs and surge power capacity for productive uses. The impact of the drop in PV prices has been significant since most of the MSG designs are based on 75% to 99% of the generation.
At the same time the cost of fossil fuels continues to increase and, therefore, the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) will be very sensitive to the total final consumption and the renewable energy (RE) fraction. The purpose of the work is to show the need to introduce a cap on the load and to illustrate some of the lessons learned in demonstration projects since the importance of this issue was first identified.
The concept of energy daily allowance introduces certainty in the most uncertain parameter when sizing and simulating RE hybrid micro grids with multiple users and the review of the issues that have influenced its refinement can help planners and designers of rural electrification projects:
- From a market point of view it helps to generate more user acceptance.
- From a financial point of view it reduces load uncertainty and its associated risk regarding collected revenues.
- From a technological stance, it enables components like batteries and inverters to operate within their specified range.
- From a social point of view, it responds to users’ needs more accurately and guides them through the management of energy use and energy budget.
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