The project was first evaluated by ECREEE (SKM).
A dam across the River Corubal at Saltinho to a maximum height of 15m, creating a reservoir with a head drop of up to 13m.
Nominal capacity: 18 MWe
Estimated LCOE: € 50/MWh
Estimated Capex: €k 3350/MWe
The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) approved on September 16, 2015 on the sidelines of the African Development Bank’s (AfDB) Energy Week a US $965,000 grant to support the preparation of turnkey run-of-river hydropower plant with an estimated electric capacity of 20 MW at Saltinho, Guinea-Bissau. The hydropower plant will be interconnected by a transmission line to Bissau and neighbouring countries within the framework of the regional energy programme by the “Organisation for the Development of the Gambia River” (called OMVG in French), co-financed by AfDB.When completed, this regional project will boost the total installed capacity in the country, currently capped at 26 MW, lead to energy diversification and significantly decrease the average cost of production. Additionally, it will contribute to reducing the overdependence on expensive, imported diesel and heavy fuel oil, and improve the carbon footprint of the country.
Status: under construction
River: Corubal
Expected year of commisioning: 2018
Dam height (m): not available
Volume (Hm3): not available
Lake area (Km2): not available
Metadata: HERE